Annual Report of Best and Worst Drivers Finds Iowa and North Dakota are the Worst Driving States in the Nation
Jasleen Kour
Mar 29, 2022
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QuoteWizard®, a LendingTree company, and one of the nation's leading online insurance marketplaces, today released their annual report on the best and worst driving states.
QuoteWizard sets out each year to see which states have the worst drivers in America. We analyzed data from two million car insurance quotes from drivers across the country. We evaluated states on four factors to determine overall driver quality and took a composite ranking of overall incidents. Incidents include:
- Accidents
- Speeding Tickets
- DUIs
- Citations (running a red light, using a cellphone while driving, etc.)
States rated among the worst were those with the highest rate of incidents, and the best driving states had the lowest rate of incidents.
To view the full report, visit:
The QuoteWizard research team evaluated driver quality from each state. We analyzed 2021 data from millions of insurance quotes from drivers across the county. We used a composite ranking system to rank each city for their rate of incidents. Incidents include accidents, speeding tickets, DUIs, and citations. Cities considered the worst drivers had the highest rate of incidents among drivers.
Worst Driving States
- Iowa
- North Dakota
- Virginia
- California
- Alaska
- Utah
- Idaho
- New Jersey
- Tennessee
- Wisconsin
- Nebraska
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- Wyoming
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Ohio
- Washington
- Kansas
- South Carolina
- Montana
- New Mexico
- Colorado
- Florida
- Vermont
Best Driving States
- New Hampshire
- West Virginia
- Oklahoma
- Kentucky
- Illinois
- Delaware
- Louisiana
- Michigan
- Arizona
- Connecticut
- Missouri
- Pennsylvania
- Arkansas
- South Dakota
- Alabama
- Hawaii
- Nevada
- Maine
- Texas
- Minnesota
- New York
- Mississippi
- Georgia
- North Carolina
- Indiana
About QuoteWizard
QuoteWizard ( is an insurance comparison marketplace for consumers looking to save on insurance. QuoteWizard provides consumers with direct access to thousands of qualified agents in all 50 states, as well as major carriers, who offer personalized quotes and the opportunity to save up to 40% on auto, home, health, and life insurance. Agents and carriers, in turn, benefit from millions of highly qualified leads, calls, and traffic to their site. Based in Seattle, QuoteWizard was founded in 2006.
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